
During the reciprocal research stays and the summer schools, scientific analyses are carried out on the annual main topics and results are processed or deepened (e.g. comparison of center development in Thessaloniki and Hanover, opportunities and challenges of digitalization, approaches to solutions for dealing with historic city centers, etc.). Scientific publications are produced annually from the respective research results and projects.

NEW: Greinke, L.; Lange, L. & Triantis, L. (Eds.): The Future of Circular Cities?! Planning for sustainable and inclusive communities. Hannover: Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2025, 172 S., DOI:

Greinke, L., Lange, L., & Richter, J. (2024). Autozentrierte Stadtentwicklung im Fokus: Transformation urbaner Mobilität in Hannover und Thessaloniki. Transforming Cities9(4), 76-84.

Greinke, L., Lange, L., & Richter, J. S. (2024). Die 15-Minuten-Innenstadt: Eine vergleichende Analyse der Städte Thessaloniki und Hannover. RaumPlanung – Fachzeitschrift für räumliche Planung und Forschung05(228), 68-75.

Greinke, Lena ; Mehnen, Nora: Urban Transformation through Public Participation. A Comparative Study of Thessaloniki (Greece) and Hanover (Germany). In: pnd – rethinking planning Edition 1/2024 “(Un)Möglichkeit der Teilhabe”, 2024, S. 41-62.

Greinke, L.; Mehnen, N.; Lamberg, J.; Triantis, L. (Eds.): The Future of Central Urban Areas : Sustainable Planning and Design Perspectives from Thessaloniki, Greece. Hannover : Institutionelles Repositorium der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2023, 120 S., DOI:

Greinke, Lena ; Mehnen, Nora: Zentren im Wandel: Innenstadtentwicklung in Thessaloniki (Griechenland) und Hannover (Deutschland) – ein Überblick. In: Umwelt und Raum Band 12. Hannover : Institut für Umweltplanung, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2023, S. 5-25. DOI:

Publications from another DAAD university partnership with the National Technical University of Athens – NTUA (Faculty of Architecture) and Leibniz University of Hannover – LUH (Faculty of Architecture and Landscape) can be found here: